Trần Hiểu Chúc - 陈晓竹 - 2023数字音乐专辑

山海晴雪 (Fine Snow on the mountains and seas) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 好梦一圈 (Sweet Dreams) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 红尘戏台 (The stage in the world of mortals) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 孤影照惊鸿 (A lone shadow shines in the sky) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 人间月下 (Under the Moon) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 南北客 (North and south) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 天地一笑间 (Heaven and earth smile) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 达令的你 (Darling of you) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 各自旅行 (Travel separately) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 烟水寒 (The tobacco water is cold) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 白头吟 (The white head sings) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 红烛花灯里 (In the Red Candle Lantern) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 忘忧酒馆 (The Sorrowful Tavern) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 染青衣 (Dyeing of Tsing Yi) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 笔墨 (Pen and ink) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 相思雨 (Lovesick rain) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 寻长安 (Find Chang'an) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 北风不休 (The north wind never stops blowing) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 惊鸿之恋 (The love of the startled) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 秋殇 (Qiu Shang) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 月月复年年 (Month after month after year) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav 回来 (Come back) - 陈晓竹 (Xiaozhu Chen).wav

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